петък, 4 декември 2015 г.


 Jackboots - bright, stylish and sexy to attract their appearance, and once again make fashionistas get purses. However, later, turning clothes, women face the problem - what to wear these beautiful boots, and how to keep the line between style and vulgarity? 

Let's start with the fact that the boots are different: the height, design with a heel or without him. Some reach mid-thigh, the other just cover the knee, decorated with their furry, accessories, crystals, lace, embroidery, made ​​of lacquered or aged leather, nubuck, suede or satin ...

First of all, planning your wardrobe, we must proceed from the appearance and material Treads. For example, if they are patent leather, the clothing must be restrained in order to balance the impression that produces boots. Jackboots textiles - an option for an evening of fashion and festive clothing. Lavishly decorated boots - supplies or sequins require moderation in jewelry and accessories. 

The most versatile option - boots from normal skin, with a minimum of decoration or no, the classic color. This option is combined with almost any clothing. It is not necessary to reject the laces - it looks very impressive. 


Treads look great combined with pants, jeans or leggings, but in this case they should be fitting, and as narrow as possible. Such approach along, or turtleneck shirt, sports jacket or short coat. 


Do not forget the main rule of wearing stylish boots - the higher the boots, the shorter the skirt. This does not mean that the boots worn with a mini-skirt, but the hem should end where it starts boots, or slightly higher. In the event that the shaft wide, they could balance the full skirt. 


By Treads are perfect for dress-sweater or tunic, but you should always remember that if you choose this option, the neckline dress should be modest and small, otherwise it will look defiant. This also applies to shirts or blouses that leave open the abdomen. 


High boots look good with outerwear short and medium length. It may be jackets, coats, coats, coats - most importantly, the clothes ended at tops of the boots. 

From what to wear boots, decorated with lace?

This fashionable piece will create multiple images, jeans, body shirt, lacquer strap, whiling away the jacket - and you are dressed in country style. Choose a short coat, trench coat, pencil skirt, turtleneck, and you will become a stylish businesswoman. 

A little play with styles, you get a few win-win options in jackboots. 

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